kidnap - definitie. Wat is kidnap
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Wat (wie) is kidnap - definitie

Kidnap; Kidnappers; Kidnappings; Kidnaps; Kidnappin; Kidnaping; Kidnaper; Kidnapping in terrorism; Abduction (kidnapping); Kidnapper; Kidnapping in the Netherlands
  • The abduction of [[Dinah]], (watercolor, circa 1896–1902 by [[James Tissot]])
  • Arrested kidnappers in [[Rio de Janeiro]], [[Brazil]] lying on the ground
  • their kidnapping]]. In the middle of picture their daughter Elli Ståhlberg stands behind them.

¦ verb (kidnaps, kidnapping, kidnapped; US also kidnaps, kidnaping, kidnaped) abduct and hold captive, typically to obtain a ransom.
¦ noun an instance of kidnapping.
kidnapper noun
C17: back-form. from kidnapper, from kid1 + sl. nap 'nab, seize'.
(kidnaps, kidnapping, kidnapped)
Note: in AM, also use 'kidnaped', 'kidnaping'
To kidnap someone is to take them away illegally and by force, and usually to hold them prisoner in order to demand something from their family, employer, or government.
Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap him...
They were intelligent and educated, yet they chose to kidnap and kill...
The kidnapped man was said to have been seized by five people.
VERB: V n, V, V-ed
kidnapper (kidnappers)
His kidnappers have threatened that they will kill him unless three militants are released from prison.
kidnapping (kidnappings)
Two youngsters have been arrested and charged with kidnapping.
Kidnap or a kidnap is the crime of taking someone away by force.
He was charged with the kidnap of a 25 year-old woman.
= abduction
·vt To take (any one) by force or fear, and against one's will, with intent to carry to another place.



In criminal law, kidnapping is the unlawful confinement of a person against their will, often including transportation/asportation. The asportation and abduction element is typically but not necessarily conducted by means of force or fear: the perpetrator may use a weapon to force the victim into a vehicle, but it is still kidnapping if the victim is enticed to enter the vehicle willingly (e.g. in the belief that it is a taxicab).

Kidnapping may be done to demand for ransom in exchange for releasing the victim, or for other illegal purposes. Kidnapping can be accompanied by bodily injury which elevates the crime to aggravated kidnapping.

Kidnapping of a child is known as child abduction, which is a separate legal category.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor kidnap
1. They kidnap 200 girls.
Talking to Terrorists _ Jonathan Powell _ Talks at Google
2. "Kidnap" with Halle Berry.
Raising Self-Reliant Children _ Sara Zaske _ Talks at Google
3. And they kidnap him.
The Spartan Race _ Joe De Sena _ Talks at Google
4. want to kidnap somebody.
The Dragon Behind the Glass _ Emily Voigt _ Talks at Google
5. They're in the kidnap dream.
Inception and Philosophy _ Kyle Johnson _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor kidnap
1. "The FARC do not kidnap, nor are they going to kidnap in Venezuela.
2. The Met‘s kidnap unit operates from a specialist "kidnap suite" at New Scotland Yard.
3. The Yard‘s specialist kidnap unit deals with around five "live" kidnap cases a month in the capital.
4. Zardad denies kidnap and torture conspiracy charges.
5. If they kidnap your people, you kidnap theirs, and grab people so high up on the totem pole that it shocks them out of their minds.